Case Studies

Discover how Arkom Omnia has empowered businesses across industries to achieve transformative results. Our case studies showcase real-world examples of strategic planning, operational excellence, and innovative solutions that drive measurable success. Let our proven expertise inspire your next big move.


Turnaround of a B2B company in the appliance sector: strategic, industrial, financial, and asset-related interventions into a coherent and well-structured plan.
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Phase 1:
Assessment of Economic, Financial, Technological, and Production Situation
Strategic Interventions
Industrial Plan: Develop a comprehensive industrial plan that outlines long-term objectives and strategies for revitalizing the company, including market analysis and benchmarking against competitors.
Repositioning and New Commercial Strategy: Redefine market positioning by identifying new customer segments and developing targeted offerings to meet emerging needs.
Phase 2:
Industrial Plan - Lease of Business Unit
Industrial Interventions
Redefinition of Product Footprint: Analyze and optimize the production network by evaluating the efficiency of facilities in Italy, Poland, and Romania; closing non-strategic plants or restructuring production lines.
Rationalization of Operational Structure and Organizational Review: Streamline the operational structure to improve efficiency and reduce costs; implementing lean manufacturing practices.
Competitiveness Enhancement through Planned Investments:Identify key areas for investment in technology and innovation, such as process automation and improving logistical capabilities.
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Phase 3:
Organizational and Managerial Turnaround
Financial Interventions
Rescheduling of Debt Exposure: Renegotiate debt terms with banks and creditors to improve short-term liquidity; crucial to avoid solvency issues during the turnaround process.
Asset-Related Interventions: Identify and sell non-essential assets to generate immediate liquidity.
Sale of Non-Strategic Assets: Identify and sell non-essential assets to generate immediate liquidity.
Phase 4:
M&A Integration Strategy
Integration Strategy
Integration Plan: Establish a clear plan for integrating the company into the acquiring group, ensuring operational and financial synergies.
Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a monitoring system based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of adopted measures. This includes periodic reviews of strategic objectives based on achieved results.
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Revenues: +8%
Ebitda TO BE: +200% (da 3,1% a 9,3%)


Optimization of production capacity and operational efficiency of a B2B chemical company in Northeast Italy aiming to reduce downtime and improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

Objectives for Improving OEE
Achieve maximum production while minimizing downtime: Enhance OEE measurement of the time the equipment is operational compared to total available time.
Performance:Evaluate the production speed relative to maximum capacity.
Quality:Determine the percentage of conforming products versus total products produced.
Specific Interventions:
Key Steps
1. Identifying Bottlenecks: By employing value stream mapping, bottlenecks in production processes were identified. This method allowed for visualizing workflow and pinpointing areas where delays or inefficiencies occurred. Addressing these critical points was essential for improving overall throughput.
2. Analyzing Causes of Downtime:
  • Material Waiting Times: Delays in supply disrupting production flow.
  • Maintenance: Unscheduled maintenance leading to unexpected downtime.
  • Setup Times: Long setup durations that reduced availability.
  • Equipment Failures: Machine malfunctions requiring repairs that impacted OEE.
3. Implementing Advanced Technologies:
  • Investment in Execution System (MES) to enable real-time monitoring of machine performance and efficient data collection, including cycle times, machine availability, and scrap rates.
  • Provision of interactive dashboards for performance analysis, quick identification of improvement areas, and historical analysis for trend optimization.
  • Historical analysis to understand trends and optimize processes.
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Methodology for Intervention:
Data Collection: Continuous monitoring of performance to calculate OEE in real time.
Data Analysis: Identifying efficiency losses and root causes of downtime.
Action Planning: Developing targeted action plans to address identified inefficiencies.
Staff Training: Educating operators for more efficient equipment management and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.
OEE increased from 67% to 87% at the same equipment capacity.
Initial investment plan: €1.2 million.
Activated: €0.4 million.


This case study examines a company in the automotive sector, specializing in stamping and assembly, that embarked on a revenue diversification strategy by obtaining third-party certifications required by a new client. This approach was necessary to expand the company’s operations into other sectors, addressing market demands and specific customer requirements.

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1: Certification Assessment and Gap Analysis
The first phase involved a thorough analysis of existing certifications (AS IS) and a gap analysis to identify discrepancies against the required standards (TO BE).
Key Standards:
  • IATF 16949:2016: Quality management system standard for the automotive industry.
  • ISO 27001:2022: Standard for information security management.
  • ISO 14001:2015: Standard for environmental management.
  • TISAX: Standard for information security in the automotive sector.
2: Evaluation of Specific Customer Requirements:
A self-assessment was conducted for each of the identified certification schemes, including EcoVadis and Resilinc assessments focused on supply chain sustainability. This step is crucial to ensure that the company not only meets regulatory requirements but also adheres to ethical and sustainable practices demanded by new clients.
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Methodology for Intervention:
Key Steps
Data Collection: Continuous monitoring of performance to calculate OEE in real time.
Data Analysis: Identifying efficiency losses and root causes of downtime.
Action Planning: Developing targeted action plans to address identified inefficiencies.
Staff Training: Educating operators for more efficient equipment management and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.
Annual Revenue Increase: €5 million over 3 years.
Client Diversification: 45% of €5 million from new sectors.
Investment: €102,000.
Payback Period: 2 months.

R&D Technical Excellence

Acquiring a new OEM customer in the automotive sector with a strategic process comprised of several phases. This case study outlines the steps taken to secure a significant contract, utilizing advanced technologies to produce stainless-steel tubes and assemblies.

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1: Technical and Commercial Support
Technical and commercial support was provided to secure a contract worth €12 million. The commitment to deliver 100% representative samples of series production was crucial in demonstrating product quality and reliability to the OEM customer.
2: Equipment Design
Design of new equipment utilizing an alternative technology equivalent to conventional methods. This approach allowed for the exploration of innovative solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of the customer while enhancing production efficiency.
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3: Business Case Development
An analysis of the opportunity cost of the investment and the return on investment (ROI). This economic evaluation is essential for justifying the implementation of new technology and ensuring long-term sustainability.
4: Pilot Equipment Design and Construction
Equipment was constructed to support the R&D phases of the final OEM customer, with a planned production period of two years. The equipment allows the customer to test new processes and products in a controlled environment before scaling up production.
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Technological Innovations
A significant innovation was introduced: brazing of stainless-steel flanges onto corrugated tubes in an oxygen-free environment. Two main technologies were explored:
Standard Technology:
Utilization of hydrogen-covered furnaces.
AS IS Cycle time: 2 hours.
Required investment: €930k.
New Technology:
Equipment utilizing high vacuum and induction brazing.
TO BE Cycle time: 3.5 minutes.
Required investment: €280k.
This innovation not only significantly reduces cycle time but also lowers operational costs, making the entire process more competitive.

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) implementation case study, starting from scratch and leading to certification.

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Phase 1: Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement
A comprehensive assessment of the existing business practices: data gathering and information about the company's current situation regarding ESG aspects. Stakeholder engagement, including employees, suppliers, and customers, was conducted to gain a holistic view of expectations and needs.
2: Defining Objectives
Establish clear and measurable objectives aligning with the overall business strategy and address the areas for improvement identified in the assessment phase.
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3: Integration into Operations, Monitoring, and Continuous Improvement
ESG objectives were integrated into the company's daily operations with commitment from all levels of the organization. A monitoring system was implemented to evaluate progress toward achieving the established goals. Continuous improvement became an integral part of the corporate culture, promoting the adaptation of practices based on results.
4: Reporting and Communication
Development of a transparent reporting system directed at all stakeholders and including a sustainability report highlighting the company’s ESG performance.
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  • Establish a clear corporate mission that integrates ESG principles.
  • Promote a corporate culture that emphasizes social and environmental responsibility by involving executives and employees.
  • Prepare a sustainability report that outlines ESG performance and develops internal projects aimed at improving these performances.
  • Provide ongoing training for employees on ESG principles to ensure a shared understanding.
  • Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress toward ESG objectives.
  • Obtain ESG Certification to officially attest to the company’s commitment to sustainable practices.


Enhance operational efficiency within a metallurgic production context by analyzing and optimizing work times and methods. This was achieved through a systematic approach that included complexity analysis of molds, cycle time measurement, and identification of value-added activities from non-value-added ones to remove.

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1: Complexity Matrix of Molds and Pareto Analysis
A data matrix was created to evaluate the complexity of the molds used in the production process. Pareto analysis was applied to identify the most significant issues, following the principle that 20% of causes generate 80% of effects. This highlighted the greatest inefficiencies.
2: Measurement of Times & Methods of Execution
Detailed recording of the times and methods used during the production process was conducted. Activities were filmed in execution to gain a smart view of the current state (AS IS) and facilitate subsequent analysis. This enabled precise data collection on cycle times and operational methods.
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3: Separation of Value-Added from Non-Value-Added Activities
Activities were divided into two categories: those that generate value and those that do not. Superfluous or ineffective activities were identified so they could be eliminated or improved.
4: Validation of New Process and Execution Cycle Times
The validation of the new process was conducted. Results obtained after implementing changes were analyzed by comparing pre- and post-intervention execution times. Pareto analysis was performed on production codes to ensure that improvements had a positive impact. Additionally, aspects such as safety and ergonomics of new procedures were evaluated and solved.
  • Time Compression: Through the analysis of non-value-added time sequences, efforts were made to reduce downtime and improve overall efficiency.
  • Calculation of Inefficiencies: Inefficiencies in existing processes were identified, allowing for targeted re-engineering.
  • Validation of Activities: Each new activity was validated to ensure compliance with safety and ergonomic standards.
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    Reorganization of a Production Facility

    Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of a production facility through a structured reorganization process. This involves several key phases, each designed to address specific aspects of organizational structure and workflow.

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    1: DILO Analysis
    DILO (Day In Life Organization) Analysis maps out the daily activities performed within the organization. This bottom-up mapping approach provides a comprehensive understanding of how tasks are executed, identifying potential areas for improvement. By analyzing day-to-day operations, inefficiencies and redundancies that are not visible at higher management levels are pinpointed the inefficiencies and redundancies not be visible at higher management levels.
    2: RACI Chart Analysis
    RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) chart developed to clarify roles and responsibilities within the organization: defined who is responsible for each task, who is accountable for outcomes, who needs to be consulted during the process, and who should be kept informed about progress: eliminate confusion regarding task ownership and ensures that all team members understand their specific roles.
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    3: Skills Mapping
    Map the skills required for each function within the organization to identify existing resources capable of managing tasks effectively while promoting a "push decision down" strategy empowering lower-level employees to make decisions relevant to their roles: enhanced responsiveness and engagement. By aligning skills with responsibilities, the organization optimize workforce and improve overall performance.
    4:Job Description Requalification
    Focus on requalifying job descriptions and implementing a new organizational model, step to ensures that roles reflect the current needs of the business and align with the skills identified in the previous phase. By redefining job descriptions, the organization facilitate better alignment between employee capabilities and organizational goals, ultimately leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
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    B2B company operating in the automotive sector aiming to optimize incoming materials transportation flows to assembly plants located in Italy, Poland, and Turkey. Suppliers are distributed 40% in Italy, 30% in Europe, and 30% in other regions, road, rail, and sea mix modes influencing the overall logistics strategy.

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    Mission Objective
    The primary goal is cost reduction through a strategy of Logistics re-engineering. The intention is to shift from a "buy" management model, where transportation costs are paid on materials, to a "make" model, where costs are borne internally by the client organization. This approach aims to make the process synergies more efficient, cost-effective, and compliant with ESG.
    1: AS IS Mapping
    Detailed mapping of the current E2E Logistics costs network, analyzing the flow of materials from suppliers to assembly plants, understanding current expenses crucial for identifying flows synergies areas for improvement.
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    2: TO BE Modeling
    Adopting collapsible returnable containers instead of single-use packaging. This change not only reduces packaging costs but also enhances the sustainability of the process. Additionally, new planning parameters introduced to optimize material synergies while transportation.
    3: Opportunity Cost Business Case:
    Analyzed costs associated with the investments needed to implement the proposed changes. This evaluation considers long-term benefits against initial costs, including environmental impact and sustainability of new practices.
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    Tools Used
    To manage and track transportation and assets within the logistics chain, an Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) system is adopted. This platform provides complete visibility over logistics flows and facilitates operational optimization through a set of tailored algorithms.
    Annual Savings: Annual savings €60 million.
    Investment: €80 million in returnable
    containers + OTM System.
    Payback Period: < 2.2 years.